Yummy! Tis the Season for BBQs and outdoor fun!! We can all have fun yet be good and healthy to ourselves and the environment at the same time
If you like quick & easy - Propane grills produce about one third of the green house gasses as charcoal grills.
However, if you love that charcoal method which has a slow relaxing feel... I have some options for you.
Use - Hardwood lump charcoal or Briquettes that are natural and made sustainably
Use - Chimney to start your charcoal, wood or briquettes instead of flash fire lighter fluid which is "Controversial as the substance is highly flammable, toxic, and may impart an unpleasant flavor to food cooked upon fires lit with it" Lighter fluid

Use remnants or recycled wood pieces to start your chimney with those newspapers you have laying around.

Check out your local stores for Green supplies. All Pictures were taken at Kroeger's Ace Hardware in Durango, CO which is locally owned and operated.
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